12 Weeks to $12k/m Challenge: Day 0

Hi. This is my first blog post on this revamped website. And this is my 1st post about my latest challenge: to earn $12k/month in 12 weeks!

Why This Challenge?

In 2014, I challenged myself to make $45/day in 45 days with just 1 website, and it worked! On average, it made $100 per day for 4 years – while only working 2 hours per week to maintain it!

I was able to do some travel because of it. 🙂

Now I’m a family man, and I have a lot to accomplish – building a house, plans to migrate, education, buying insurance, paying for the cost of living, and a whole lot more!


I believe I can make it! And I’m making it public to make myself accountable.

I am committing to write here about everything I do to make $12k/month within 12 weeks!

How Will I Achieve This?

A decade ago, the formula was affiliate SEO (affiliate marketing with SEO as the traffic source). I wrote product reviews on my website and ranked them on Google. Simple! But I now find it too competitive and the ROI is taking tooooo long!

The Formula

Now the formula is rank-and-rent, Here, you build your own website, rank it on Google, and then rent it out to a business owner. It generally looks like this:

  1. Build a website for a home service niche in a city (example: roofing in Chicago)
  2. Rank that website in Google for its keywords (example: “roofing Chicago”)
  3. Send the callers (aka leads ) to the contractors concerned (example: roofers)
  4. Contractor pays you for sending legit calls to them

The Stats

I’ve already been doing some form of this model full-time since 2021. (I sold all my affiliate websites in 2022.) So far, my stats are:

  • Average close ratio: 50% (I’ve had 6 closing calls in 2023 so far. I sold 3 of them.)
  • My average pricing: $1500/month (The average pricing for the closed 3 clients above.)

Therefore, to make $12k, I need:

  • At least 8 new clients
  • At least 1.5 closing calls per week (let’s make it 2 closing calls per week)
  • To get to 2 closing calls, I need to build 4 websites per week (this is just a guess) and run ads to it

What’s Been Done So Far

At this moment, I already have these so far:

  • Call, voicemail, and SMS routing systems – I’ve had this setup since 2014 lol
  • Google Ads accounts
  • Billing system
  • AI writer that can produce the content I want in 5 minutes
  • All the software, accounts, and infrastructure I need to make this work

Things To Focus On (In Order of Priority)

  • Get on 2 closing calls with business owners per week
  • Prospecting calls
  • Build at least 4 websites per week
  • Run ads to them

Daily Schedule

Starting on July 3, this is how my daily (Mon-Fri) schedule will be.

9 AMWake up; Drive kid to school
10 AMMeditate; Fetch kid from school
11 AMMeal #1; Take supplements
12 PMFulfillment work for present clients (2 hours)
2 PMGo to gym; Workout; Meal #2
4 PMGo home; Bath; Power nap
5 PMBuild websites; Setup ads; Research niches and cities (2 hours)
7 PMPower nap; Meal #3; Drink coffee
8.30 PMBuild websites; Setup ads; Research niches and cities (1 hour)
9.30 PMReceive calls from customers; Prospecting calls; Closing calls (3 hours)
12.30 AM (next day)End; Write blog; Take melatonin
1 AM (next day)Sleep

I am targeting US cities that don’t get a lot of snow year round.

The reason why I’m doing this now is because it’s Daylight Savings Time in the US – which means I’m only 12 hours ahead of the US East Cost. In November, they will switch to Eastern Standard Time, which is 13 hours behind. I don’t want to be sleeping too late because that’s bad for my health.

Projected Expenses

Since I’ll be targeting 48 cities in a span of 12 weeks, I’m estimating to spend $200 for each of them, which is $9,600 in total.

My Prize

To keep myself motivated, if by the end of 12 weeks (which is September 22) I already have rank-and-rent clients worth $12k/month, I’ll buy myself one of these keyboards (in order of preference):

1. Kawai ES920

2. Roland FP-90X

3. Roland FP-E50

4. Yamaha DGX-670

This is all for now. Thanks for reading! 🙂

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