12 Weeks to $12k/m Challenge: Day 1

Things I Did Today

1. Keyword research for {block wall + city} and also for {masonry + city}.

  • The cities have at least 30,000 population. And they are from LAT 38.79073 and below, which I find don’t experience snow as much as the upper cities. I don’t include California in the list because it’s hard to sell to them. In total, there were around 550 cities.
  • Each service + city combination should have at least 50 search volume, and must have a CPC of more than $0.01 and less than $5.
  • Those that passed, I sent them to the next stage.

2. Competition research for {block wall + city} and also {masonry + city}.

  • I’m looking for SEO competition that are layups – meaning they should be very easy to rank.
  • If the Map pack has 2 listings that have 20+ reviews, or one listing that has 50+ reviews, I pass on it.
  • If 2 of the Map pack listings are also in Organic rankings’ 1st page, I pass on it.
  • If I see Map pack listings whose categories are not “masonry contractor”, I don’t count them.
  • If the organic listings xhas more than 5 local websites, I pass on it.
  • Now I’m left with 5, which will proceed to the next stage.

3. Due diligence

  • I’m done with my due diligience on 1 city. I’ll continue on the others tomorrow.
  • The due diligence spreadsheet will help me dive deep into the research to decide whether to proceed with this service+city combination.

Tools Used

  1. SEMrush
  2. Whitespark
  3. MS Excel

Resources Spent

  • Money spent = $0
  • Time spent = 6+ hours

This is all for today. Day 1 done. 🙂

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