12 Weeks to $12k/m Challenge: Day 12

Things I Did Today

  1. Added negative keywords and excluded locations to Google Ads campaigns
  2. Took note of leads that came in yesterday
  3. Made due diligence for concrete; ended up with 10 YES’s
  4. Keyword research on spray foam insulation
  5. Cold-called a few business owners
  6. Tried live-transferring leads to business owners but unsucessfully; when the lead was available, the business onwer was not, and vice versa; I’ll try again tomorrow

Tools Used

  1. Google Ads
  2. REIreply
  3. Skype Phone
  4. Google Voice
  5. SEMrush
  6. MS Excel

Resources Spent

  1. Money spent = $0
  2. Time spent = 5+ hours

This is it for now. Day 12 done. 🙂

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