12 Weeks to $12k/m Challenge: Days 15-19

Things I Did

  1. Added negative keywords and excluded locations to Google Ads campaigns everyday
  2. Took note of leads that came in
  3. Live tranferred leads to business owners
  4. Made due diligence research for new niches
  5. Successfully scheduled another Zoom meeting (2 in total)
  6. Made 2 screencasts
  7. Prepared 2 closing scripts
  8. Prepared 2 onboarding sheets
  9. Prepared 2 lead gen agreements
  10. Prepared 2 credit card authorization forms
  11. Prepared 2 Stripe customers and products
  12. Tried to close 1 business owner for $1800/month on Zoom; unsuccessful; business owner requested to meet again on Friday; I realized I should have tried to close him for $450/week
  13. Tried to close the other business owner via Zoom but he requested for re-scheduling 3 times; after all that, it was a no-show; I sent him a pullback text
  14. Google Ads Campaign #1 is not producing leads anymore – although I have a cool business owner hooked on it; I’ll try to use another Google Ads account to re-run this campaign. It was producing 4 leads per week before. Now, it’s zero.
  15. Google Ads Campaign #2 is also not producing leads. The business owner previously hooked is not interested anymore. I paused the ads for now while I’m looking for another business owner. I’ll use the details of a past lead to hook a business owner.
  16. Google Ads Campaign #3 is the same as Campaign #2.
  17. Google Ads Campaign #4 did not produce consistent leads ever, although I was able to hook a business owner for it. I’m junking this campaign.
  18. Google Ads Campaign #5 is paused at the moment while I’m not yet done with my prospecting list.

Tools Used

  1. Google Ads
  2. REIreply
  3. Skype Phone
  4. Google Voice
  5. Google Docs
  6. Zoom (for sales calls)
  7. Dubb (for screencasts)
  8. Stripe (to process payments)

Resources Spent

  1. Money spent = $0
  2. Time spent = 30+ hours

This is it for now. Days 15-19 done.

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